Level 4 – Family and Environment Elements
Family functioning and well-being
- Significant parental/carer discord and persistent domestic violence
- Family characterised by conflict and serious chronic relationship difficulties
- History of rejection
- Poor relationships between siblings and wider family
- No effective support from extended family
- Destructive/unhelpful involvement from extended family
- Child/young person has been identified as a child/young person in need, but parents/carers have refused support
- Family involved in criminal activity; parent or sibling has received custodial sentence
- Individual posing a risk to children in, or known to household
- Unsafe home environment
- Family home used for drug taking, prostitution, illegal activities
- Family have physical or mental health needs that impact on parenting capacity
- Parent /care has learning needs that impact on parenting capacity
Housing, work and income
- Homeless – or imminent
- Housing dangerous or seriously threatening to health
- Physical accommodation places child in danger
- Chronic unemployment that has severely affected parents’ own identities
- Family unable to gain employment due to significant lack of basic skills or long-term substance misuse
- Extreme poverty/debt impacting on ability to care for child
- No expectation that young person will work
Social and community including education
- Family chronically socially excluded
- No supportive network
- Community are hostile to family
- Child frequently goes missing and fails to account for their locations or discloses situations indicating risk of CE
- Child trafficked to UK for sexual exploitation
- Currently being discriminated and or on going and increasing incidents of discrimination