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What is Bullying?

Bullying is when someone deliberately scares, intimidates, upsets, or harms someone else. There are lots of different types of bullying including:

  • Young girl crying in doorwayname-calling
  • making things up to get someone in trouble, or to turn their friends against them
  • hitting, pinching, biting, pushing and shoving
  • taking or damaging someone’s things
  • making threats
  • prank calling or messaging
  • ‘cyberbullying’ is when someone scares, intimidates, upsets, or threatens you online – this could be on websites chat functions, via apps, or on social media

Sometimes children and young people bully one another, and sometimes children and young people are bullied by adults.

None of this is ok. Sometimes people bully others because they are having a hard time and feeling difficult emotions themselves. If you are being bullied, remember that it is not your fault.

It can feel scary to tell someone and you might worry that if you do the bullying will get worse, but there are always people who can help you. You can talk to your parent or carer, your teacher, or someone who works at your school, or any adult that you trust.

Where can I get help & advice?

You can talk to your parent or carer, your teacher, or someone who works at your school, or any adult that you trust. If you are worried about bullying there are some organisations that can help: