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External Training

Early Help Partnership

Early Help Partnership Training Catalogue 2024-2025

To support our early help professionals and those supporting other families, the Early Help Partnership have developed a multi-agency training programme which is being made available for everyone working with children and families in Buckinghamshire and partners within Family Hub Networks.
The training programme covers a wide range of topics that support delivery to address prevalent local needs, including SEND, mental health, parenting and safeguarding as well as courses to enhance skills and practitioner confidence. This training programme aims to complement the training offered by the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (BSCP) and Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults board (BSAB).The training offer is curated for Buckinghamshire Early Help Partnership partner organisations (both staff and volunteers) to support with all aspects of early help and enable an effective response, proactively signposting individuals and families to the most appropriate support.

Buckinghamshire Domestic Abuse Board


Multi Agency Training Catalogue

This multiagency “Tackling and Preventing Domestic Abuse” training catalogue is aimed towards all key partners and agencies to understand the uniqueness and complexities of LGBT+ communities, minority ethnic groups, children and young people in order to foster a better understanding of how abuse may present.  

 The training will cover the issues, barriers and best practice and ensure the highest quality engagement with victims and survivors.  Through the delivery of this training offer, it is hoped that more victims will be identified and helped at the earliest opportunity. 

The training is fully funded, and professionals are encouraged to sign up to the courses which are a mixture of face to face and virtual sessions. There are 20 courses to choose from, ranging from coercive control, adolescent to parent abuse, DASH/MARAC, non fatal strangulation training and much more. Courses run until March 2024.

WISH training (Sexual Health)

The WISH training programme is commissioned by Buckinghamshire County Council. All courses are facilitated by the Terrence Higgins Trust, a specialist sexual health service that is part of the new Buckinghamshire Sexual Health and Wellbeing service. The overall aim of the WISH programme is to promote the sexual health and wellbeing of all Buckinghamshire  residents and to equip those working with  individuals of all ages, gender, ethnicity, disability or sexuality  with the knowledge, skills and tools to develop  resilience, respect and to promote consensual healthy and safe sexual relationships.

These are multi-agency courses for all those who are currently working with young people / vulnerable adults, to enable them to work effectively with people around sexual health and relationships in either one to one or group situations.

For information on current courses please click here.

The Child and Adolescent Harmful Behaviour Service (CAHBS)

CAHBS is a specialised non-mental health element of an integrated service model of care in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) within Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust. Operating across Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire, CAHBS support a multi-agency response, offering largely consultancy-based service, to young people (up to age 18) displaying concerning sexual behaviour.

Please contact CAHBS directly if you are interested in specific training on topics related to inappropriate or harmful sexual behaviour and understanding risk to others.

Bucks New University: Child Protection and Adult Safeguarding Courses

If you are looking to improve your understanding of safeguarding and the complexities of working in this rapidly changing field, an MSc Child Protection and Adult Safeguarding from Bucks could be for you. Please see below links for full and part time courses: –

Informed by the areas of expertise of the lecturing staff in the social work, policing and community health teams, this master’s programme covers a range of optional areas of study including disability, victimisation and health.

Call Bucks New University on 0330 123 2023 or email to find out more.