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External E-learning courses

Introductory Courses

Keep them safe – Ivison Trust– Protecting children, supporting families and the Virtual College have produced a short (20 mins) online course, looking at understanding and identifying signs of CSE. This free course covers:

  • Understand Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Find out how to spot the signs
  • Know who to report any concerns to

Any professionals who come into contact with children and young people should take this course.

Courses for Professionals

Prevent Duty General Awareness

The Home Office have developed a free learning package which offers an introduction to the Prevent duty, and explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves. To access this training click on the link above.

Prevent Referral Training has also been developed by the Home Office however please ensure the Buckinghamshire referral process is followed for professionals working in Bucks.

Channel General Awareness

Channel is a key element of the Prevent Strategy. It is a multi-agency approach to protect people at risk from radicalisation. Channel uses existing collaboration between Local Authorities, Statutory Partners (such as the Education and Health Sectors, Social Services, Children’s and Youth Services and Offender Management Services), the Police and the local community to:

  • identify individuals at risk of being drawn into terrorism
  • assess the nature and extent of that risk; and
  • develop the most appropriate support plan for the individuals concerned

Channel is about safeguarding children and adults from being drawn into committing terrorist-related activity. It is about early intervention to protect and divert people away from the risk they face before illegality occurs. To access this training click on the link above.

We all have a responsibility to be aware of this and to know what to do.

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

An e-learning resource for Health Professionals, produced by Brook on behalf of the Department of Health. It is designed to equip all those working within health with the knowledge to understand, recognise and respond to CSE.  This includes everyone from Receptionists and Healthcare Assistants, to GPs, Nurses, Counsellors, Therapists and Consultants – all of whom have a role to play in picking up on key warning signs.

The tool takes approximately 40 minutes to complete and uses facts, scenarios, videos and assessments to highlight the warning signs and build knowledge and confidence in applying the appropriate safeguarding procedures. To access this training click on the link above.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Free FGM Training Online | Recognising & Preventing FGM Free Course | Virtual College (

This is a free e-learning course developed for the Home Office by Virtual College. It is Level 2 training, aimed at both professionals and trainers.

Throughout this course, we follow a young girl names Hope as she encounters the key issues relating to FGM and we see how they affect her throughout her life. The training will help a wide range of professionals to identify and assist girls who are risk of FGM.

This course is useful for anyone who is interested in gaining an overview of FGM, particularly frontline staff in Healthcare, Police, Border Force and Children’s Social Care.

Forced Marriage

Forced Marriage Awareness – Free Course | Virtual College (

This online course has been developed by the Virtual College with the Forced Marriage Unit of the Foreign Office and aims to raise awareness, challenge perceptions and inform you of the correct actions to take should you suspect someone is at risk.

After completing this training you will be able to:

  • Recognise the warning signs of forced marriage
  • Take the right actions to help protect the potential victim
  • Co-operate effectively with other agencies

This course is aimed as all professionals who have a responsibility to safeguard vulnerable children, young people and adults at risk and is aimed specifically at Child Protection Services, Health Professionals, Education Professionals, Police Officers, Children’s Social Care, Adult Social Care and Housing Authorities.

Families and Parental Issues

Families and parental issues e-learning courses – SCIE

The Social Care Institute of Excellence offers a wide range of Health and Social Care e-learning resources designed to promote and raise awareness of families and parental issues e-learning. Produced for frontline staff by subject experts and digital design professionals.

Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation

Course raising awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation for health, Social Care, Education and other frontline staff. It provides frontline practitioners with the basic knowledge and skills to identify and respond to Child Sexual Exploitation. (2018)

Parental substance misuse

Course exploring parental substance misuse, its effects on children and parenting capacity and the implications for Social Work Practitioners. (2011)

Poverty, parenting and social exclusion

Course exploring poverty, parenting and social exclusion with particular reference to children and families. (2008)

Sexual, reproductive and mental health

Course exploring sexual and reproductive health in the context of mental illness, with clear sign-posting for those of you who want to take this subject further. (2011)

ACEs Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences Early Trauma Online Training

Duration: Approximately 50 minutes; Cost: Free. This course has been funded by the Home Office Early Intervention Fund; Who is this course for? Practitioners, professionals and volunteers who work with children, young people and their families.