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BSAB Structure and Sub Groups

BSAB Structure


The Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adult Board (BSAB) is supported in its work by subgroups, members of which are drawn from across the multi-agency partnership. Each subgroup has an agreed work plan which focuses on the delivery of BSAB strategic objectives and priorities. Short term task and finish groups may also be set up to focus on the implementation of specific objectives or projects.

  • Quality and Performance Sub Group

The core function of the Quality and Performance Sub Group is to assess the quality of the work we undertake to safeguard vulnerable adults and understanding the impact of this work in terms of its effectiveness in helping to keep vulnerable adults safe.

The Quality and Performance Sub Group have developed a Quality Assurance Framework to give assurance that the Adults Safeguarding Board and its constituent partner agencies have effective systems, structures, processes and practice in place to improve outcomes and experience in the context of safeguarding adults at risk across Buckinghamshire.

Our primary challenge of quality assurance is to improve the quality of practice and safeguarding outcomes for vulnerable adults.

Hands all together in a circleThe Quality & Performance sub-group is accountable to the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board for the provision of data and information related to agree safeguarding performance standards and indicators which identify both the scale and profiling of safeguarding activity across Buckinghamshire.

Alerting the board to key trends and emerging issues for both pro-active and responsive engagement to further improve the safeguarding of our residents. The Quality Assurance sub – group will also ensure all agencies monitor their own performance on safeguarding.

To facilitate this, the Chair of this sub group will meet quarterly with the Chairs of the other subgroups along with the Independent Chair and Business Manager of the BSAB.

  • Policy, Procedure and Practice Sub Group

The core function of the Policy, Procedure and Practice Sub Group is to ensure there are up to date multi-agency safeguarding policies and procedures for Buckinghamshire which are easily accessible and well embedded across partner organisations.

As a subgroup we contribute to the development, maintenance, publication and embedment of an appropriate suite of multi-agency safeguarding policies, procedures and guidance documents.

This is done with consideration to the implications for local policies and procedures on professional issues arising from Serious Adult Reviews. For this reason we act as a point of contact and a resource for local agencies and providers not represented at the BSAB to ensure best practice safeguarding policies and procedures.

Doing so allows us to learn together, share expertise and resources which aid to the improvement and effectiveness of policies and procedures that support staff and the public.

  • Safeguarding Adult Reviews Sub Group

To ensure that the BSAB carries out Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) in line with statutory requirements.
To ensure that learning from SARs and other partnership reviews is disseminated and used to improve outcomes for our communities in Buckinghamshire