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Revised LADO Guidance – Allegations

Category: Children

Buckinghamshire LADO Service – Updates to Allegations Management Processes

Following collaboration with Children’s Social Care and Human Resources, The LADO Service has made changes to the terminology used for LADO Meetings.  All LADO Meetings are now known as Allegations Against Staff & Volunteer Meetings (ASV Meetings).  These changes have been made in order to streamline process and ensure a clear separation between meetings about Allegations against Staff and Volunteers and Child Protection Strategy Meetings.

The procedures for Managing Allegations against Staff and Volunteers have been updated and can be accessed via this link:  7.2 Managing Allegations against Staff and Volunteers | Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board Procedures Manual

An ASV meeting/discussion will decide the strategy for managing the allegation. This will run parallel to any investigation by Children Social Care (CSC) who may need to convene a strategy meeting to determine s47 enquiries. The LADO and CSC will agree how the two processes will be managed.

The ASV meeting/discussion will consider:

  • Decide Necessary police action in response to the allegation
  • S.47 threshold in respect of any necessary CSC action (If the ASV meeting is running in parallel with a CSC strategy meeting, the meeting with discuss and plan accordingly).
  • Consider whether any parallel disciplinary process can take place and agree protocols for sharing information.
  • Consider the current allegation in the context of any previous allegations or concerns.
  • Where appropriate, take account of any entitlement by staff to use reasonable force to control or restrain children
  • Consider whether a complex abuse investigation is applicable (see Organised and Complex Abuse Procedure);
  • Plan enquiries if needed, allocate tasks and set timescales.
  • Decide what information can be shared, with whom and when.

The ASV meeting /discussion will also:

  • Ensure that CSC have put arrangements in place to protect the child/ren or young person involved and any other child/ren affected, including taking emergency action where needed.
  • Consider what support should be provided to all children and young people who may be affected.
  • Consider what support should be provided to the member of staff and others who may be affected and how they will be kept up to date with the progress of the investigation.
  • Ensure that investigations are sufficiently independent.
  • Make recommendations where appropriate regarding suspension, or alternatives to suspension.
  • Identify a lead contact manager within each agency.
  • Agree protocols for reviewing investigations and monitoring progress by the LADO, having regard to the target timescales.
  • Consider issues for the attention of senior management (e.g., media interest, resource implications);
  • Consider reports for consideration of barring.
  • Consider risk assessments to inform the employer’s safeguarding arrangements.

The ASV will be chaired by the LADO. It will normally be attended by the police, social care and the employer. The employer is advised to bring a Human Resources advisor. In situations where the allegation is against a health professional, the designated or named nurse for safeguarding (Clinical Commissioning Group/CCG) should be invited; or appropriate safeguarding lead from a provider trust/organisation

Agencies attending an ASV Meeting should come prepared with all relevant information that they hold.  The ASV Meeting is a confidential meeting and information will not be shared outside of the meeting unless agreed by the chair (LADO)

When should you contact LADO?

You should contact the LADO service when a concern is raised that someone working with children (either in a paid or voluntary capacity) has:

  • Behaved in a way that has harmed or may have harmed a child
  • Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child
  • Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates s/he is unsuitable to work with children
  • Behaved in a way that indicates they may not be suitable to work with children

If you are unsure whether a concern meets this threshold, we would encourage you to contact the LADO Service who can provide advice and guidance.  All allegations should be reported to the LADO within 1 working day

How you can contact LADO

Phone: 01296 382070


If the LADO deems that threshold is met, you will be asked to complete the LADO referral form